The Lebanese Society of Medical Oncology (LSMO) aims to enhance health care, advance medical knowledge, develop and maintain the highest professional and ethical standards in medical oncology in Lebanon.
Since its inception, the LSMO evolved around its driving principle "patient comes first".
Patient Involvement:
LSMO stresses on encouraging oncologists to involve their patients in discussions and decisions regarding their disease and treatment modalities, not limiting their role to being prescribers of treatment, and be available to patients and their questions as much as they can.
Multidisciplinary collaboration:
One of the most important missions of LSMO is to support and promote the multidisciplinary practice in the hospitals where medical oncologists, radiation therapists and surgeons participate in the global therapy of cancer patients. This collaboration encourages active and accelerated management of patient treatment in a safe and cost-effective manner.
Practitioner Cooperation:
LSMO encourages solidarity between oncologists by promoting an environment of cooperation among them and discouraging unnecessary competition. LSMO also aims to provide young oncologists with opportunities to strengthen their knowledge and expertise by offering a platform for networking with other medical oncologists and oncology professionals through frequent meetings. the aim is to enhance their expertise for future practice and career development and offer opportunities for research activities.
Palliative care:
The LSMO is currently focusing more on palliative and end-of-life care. While it is a well-developed field in other countries, it remains in deep need for development and for the establishment of appropriate institutions for this kind of care.
LSMO works on promoting a more active research environment, creating more research opportunities and participating in leading clinical trials. In doing so, LSMO tries its best to encourage the research projects in the different Lebanese universities and the collaboration with foreign universities. Research will remain one of the most important areas within the work of LSMO.
Scientific meetings:
Since 1997, LSMO holds monthly educational meetings that present the latest management guidelines and updates. These meetings are CME credited and well-attended by all medical oncologists and hematologists in Lebanon. LSMO also encourages and supports all the scientific meetings related to cancer management and awareness.
LSMO believes in teamwork and mutual collaboration as key elements in enhancing medical knowledge and contributing to a better functioning of the healthcare system, ultimately helping to provide better care for cancer patients in Lebanon.
Pr Nizar Bitar, LSMO president